Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Itty, bitty baby faux-hawk

Andrew has just enough hair to allow for the creation of a faux mohawk - albeit, a small one. Plus Kirby attempts to break through the ottoman barrier that was created to keep him from being in the living room when Andrew is playing on the floor. By the way, I do not know why the picture uploaded sideways it does not display that way!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Busy 4th Month!

We have been super busy!!!!! In June, Andrew and mom went to Colorado to Christy and Josh's wedding. Congratulations Christy and Josh! While there Aunties Jenna and Jana took care of Andrew. I think Jenna may have decided a burka was needed to protect against spit up. He really enjoyed his time with them and he got to get really dressed up for the wedding. In July Auntie Jenna visited us. She helped mom destroy Andrew's beautiful crib - seen here in the before pictures. Sadly the crib was recalled and has to be replaced. She also went with mom and Andrew to their first Gymboree class. He really enjoys the class, but we missed our second class because we got colds. Andrew also had his 4 month checkup and shots. The doc said that our boy was clearly thriving and, up until the shots, Andrew did his best to impress her with his smiles and sunny disposition. So in this posting you will see pictures of Andrew at the wedding, with Auntie Jenna in CO and at home, his former crib in all its deceiving beauty, Andrew in his new exersaucer, and of course his monthly teddy bear picture (although he would not stretch out his legs!).

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Busy Day to Celebrate Daddy!

We had a busy day to celebrate daddy. After daddy opened his gifts (which he mostly enjoyed, except we found out that he would have preferred a roll of sausage), Andrew spent the morning playing on his rainforest mat. He also demonstrated his newfound verbal skills with lots of squealing, shrieking, grunting, and chattering.

Next, we got ready to visit Daddy's advisor and his family who were visiting. Andrew wore a special shirt that Mom made celebrate the day.

We had lunch with Dr. A's family. Andrew was enamored with their beautiful daughter and did his best to show that he is a good baby by showering them with lots of smiles. Later this evening, it was bath time which totally wore him out...but, luckily, he recovered to spend some time with daddy before calling it a day.

Three Months!!!

We will try to post a picture of Andrew with his teddy bear when he has a monthly birthday. This will help everyone know how much he is growing!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meeting the Family

We made a trip back home to meet the family. We really enjoyed our time with everyone and introducing Andrew to every one. He got to spend some good time with Grandpa, and got to ride shotgun with Papa and cousin Ethan. He also got time with Aunt Shannon and cousin Logan, and read books with Aunt Sarah and Ethan. It was a wonderful trip! And as you can see we were all exhausted by the time we returned home!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting Big

Andrew saw the doctor today. He now weighs 12 lbs 4 oz. Here are two pictures showing the size difference about two weeks apart. We have also had to move into 3-6 month onesies. He is growing fast.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Shorts Weather!!!

Since it is in the eighties, we decided to try out shorts. Pictures below show Andrew in a shorts outfit from Aunt Sarah. It is 3-6 month size and is just a little big. We have also been getting ready for our big plane trip home in a little while by trying to get used to hanging out in the sling. Here is a picture of him peeking out from the sling!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Going to Work and Daycare

Andrew and mom went to work this week. Andrew also went to daycare. He started on Tuesday. So far he has gone for the first half of the day and spends the rest with mom, either at work or at home. Miss April and Miss Mandy seem quite fond of Andrew and seem to dote on the little guy. They noted what we have noticed for some time - the boy won't have any part of being swaddled. He needs to have his arms free. There is a little girl a few weeks older than he is who really enjoys being swaddled, but not Andrew. He also goes to work with Mom, and has quickly made friends with Ms. Myra. We have invested in a small swing to keep at the office so Andrew can hopefully be entertained without constant attention from mommy.
He has been having a few rough nights due to some congestion and drainage. The snot sucker has been working overtime, much to Roo's chagrin. He is not a fan of the sucking process, and has this way of sniffing every thing that Mom or Dad pull down. It seems to be improving though. It seems to be attributable to the weather fluctuating between cool/ rainy and dry/ warm.
Last weekend, we took Andrew to his first lighthouse. He enjoyed being snuggled in the Baby Bjorn, but as it was in the eighties down by the shore, he got a little warm. Because of the narrow, harrowing stairs, he actually could not go up inside the lighthouse - so we just propped him up against the step...nah, we took turns going up.
Finally, it seems that he finally noticed Kirby and Ginger. They managed to break through the parental wall to greet him while on the floor! They seem to think that we do a terrible job cleaning his face and feel compelled to attempt to help us with that task, which makes mom's skin crawl.
Enjoy the new pictures!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Week of Changes

This week has been full of changes for Andrew! A few days ago he smiled for the first time that was not gas related. Since that time the smiles have only increased. In particular, he likes to smile when Dad is being a goof, when Dad asks if he has a poopy (the kid has a wee bit of the devil in him), or when he hears Mom laugh. Also, he is sleeping a little more during the night. A few nights ago, he slept for six hours, and last night he slept for 8 1/2 hours! Amazing. Today we placed him down to play at his floor gym, and we saw him purposefully bat at the toys (although sometimes he just falls asleep, like in the picture!). It was the first time he clearly was trying to make his hand connect with what he was looking at. Plus, he changed diaper sizes (now a two), and he is outgrowing some of his onesies!

Andrew Pics

Here are some pictures of Andrew to get us started.

New Blog

Welcome to our Roo Update! We will post pictures and comments about Andrew in our blog. Feel free to make comments.