Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Busy Day to Celebrate Daddy!

We had a busy day to celebrate daddy. After daddy opened his gifts (which he mostly enjoyed, except we found out that he would have preferred a roll of sausage), Andrew spent the morning playing on his rainforest mat. He also demonstrated his newfound verbal skills with lots of squealing, shrieking, grunting, and chattering.

Next, we got ready to visit Daddy's advisor and his family who were visiting. Andrew wore a special shirt that Mom made celebrate the day.

We had lunch with Dr. A's family. Andrew was enamored with their beautiful daughter and did his best to show that he is a good baby by showering them with lots of smiles. Later this evening, it was bath time which totally wore him out...but, luckily, he recovered to spend some time with daddy before calling it a day.

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